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Different Types of Promotions

Types of Promotions 

There are different types of promotions that can happen at work. Here are a few:

Vertical Promotion: This is when you move up to a higher position within your department or the company. For example, if you're a salesperson, you might get promoted to a sales manager position.

Horizontal Promotion
: This is when you move to a different position at the same level of your current position, but with different responsibilities. For example, if you're a customer service representative, you might get promoted to a marketing position.

Lateral Promotion
: This is when you move to a different position at the same level of your current position, but with similar responsibilities. For example, if you're a software engineer, you might get promoted to a senior software engineer position.

Promotional Increment:
This is a promotion that comes with a salary increase but doesn't necessarily involve a change in job title or responsibilities. It's a way for the company to recognize your hard work and give you a raise.

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