
The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a big change in how India collects taxes. Before GST, there were many different taxes, which made things complicated. With GST, these taxes were replaced by one single tax. This makes it easier for everyone, including businesses, to understand and follow the tax rules.

The idea for GST started a long time ago, but it took years of discussions and negotiations before it became a reality. Finally, in 2017, the Indian government passed the GST law.

Under GST, everything you buy or sell is taxed at different rates based on what it is. Some things have higher taxes, while others have lower ones. This helps keep important things affordable while still bringing in money for the government.

There's a special group called the GST Council that decides on the tax rates and other important things related to GST. This group includes representatives from both the central and state governments.

Although there were some problems when GST was first introduced, over time things got better. GST makes it easier for businesses to follow the rules and helps the economy grow by making it simpler to do business all over India. Overall, GST is a big step forward in making taxes simpler and fairer for everyone.

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